Everyone uses color magic on the daily, it’s just that most people don’t realize it. When you choose to wear a color to brighten your mood, that’s color magic. When you paint your walls blue because you find it “soothing”, that’s using color magic. Orange seems to bring on bursts of creativity. And the color yellow is nothing short of amazing and powerful in more than one way. In this post, learn the yellow candle meaning and how to harness this cheery color’s essence to bring joy and success into your life.
What is the Yellow Candle Meaning? The Essence and Energy of Yellow
Yellow is a highly underrated magical color. The power of this color goes beyond surface level. Consider the color of the Sun’s light that reigns down on us. This same color permeates our solar plexus and therefore our vital life force. Yellow is the petal of a Sunflower, the feather of a canary, the wing of a beautiful butterfly. It has a unique warmth to it that no other color quite compares to.
So what does the yellow candle mean when used in magic and spirituality? Taking into consideration all of the energies and properties of Yellow, it means all of the following:
1. Yellow Candles Mean SUCCESS
The Yellow candle meaning in magic is often used to manifest success. This is typically tied to one’s career or livelihood, but it could be used to drive success in different areas. Including friendships, love, a move, psychic growth, craftsmanship, and more.
2. Yellow is Linked to the Sun and LIFE
Since yellow is associated with the Sun and the Solar Plexus, it means it is a source of ALL LIFE on this planet. We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the Sun. Plants, animals, and the Earth need the Sun to survive.
3. Harness Yellow’s Abilities to Increase Inspiration and Imagination
Some traditions link the color Yellow to the breath and to the ether. And guess what comes from the Air and Ether? Inspiration and imagination! So, if you’re an artist or writer or crafter of some kind, Yellow candles might be the way to go if you’re in need of inspiration.
4. For Blockages in Communication, Use YELLOW Candles
Yellow is the color of communication. Not just verbal but written and nonverbal. Sometimes we have major blockages in our communication with others AND with ourselves. If you’re feeling like your words are falling on deaf ears, consider using the yellow candle meaning to have a breakthrough.

Yellow Candle Meaning and Its Magical Associations
To amplify your results using a yellow candle, add a few other yellow items to your magical workings. Those might include:
- Magical Properties: communication, inspiration, the arts, success, vitality, the Sun, recharging, energy, confidence, immortality, imagination, joy, happiness, cheer
- Herbs: sunflower, calendula, black eyed susan, chamomile, st. john’s wort, dandelion, tickseed, goldenrod, dill, evening primrose
- Foods: banana, pineapple, lemon, yellow pepper, corn, summer squash, yellow potato, mustard, turmeric
- Crystals: yellow calcite, citrine, honey calcite, yellow jasper, fluorite, mooikite, yellow jade, yellow tourmaline, yellow garnet
- Planet: Venus
- Zodiac Sign: Gemini
- Month: June
- Holiday: Ostara, Litha
The Basics of Candle Magic: How Candle Spells Actually WORK
You’re wondering about the yellow candle’s meaning, which probably also makes you wonder how candle magic actually WORKS. Right? Magic can seem like such a mysterious thing, but there is actually an explanation behind it.
First, let’s address the misnomer that “intention is everything”, that you’ll frequently hear in the witchcraft community. I’m here to tell you, if intention was everything you wouldn’t need any tools, candles, herbs, or the like to make your magick work. YES you can cast a spell with just your mind, emotions, etc. but often the candle itself helps set the spell into motion.
Second, the candle spell works by way of the four elements of magic. It combines all 4 elements (which are the basis of all life here on Earth) in its spell: the flame is obviously fire, the air feeds the flame, the wax melts into water, and the wick is earth. Because these 4 elements are invoked in each and every candle spell, we are able to use yellow candles to manifest success, energy, confidence, and more!
Three, it is quite important to let your desire / intention known to the Universe before starting a spell of any kind. And be clear about what you want. Saying “I am manifesting abundance” for instance, might manifest an abundance of EVERYTHING in your life. And you don’t want that. Trust me. So be specific! If you want “success”, be specific as to what area of life you want success in. If you want “inspiration”, inspiration for what exactly?
Lastly, casting a candle spell using the yellow candle meaning adds another element to your spells. It adds the power of color…which permeates all things on this plane and on the spiritual plane.

Ways to Empower the Yellow Candle to Success, Confidence, and Inspiration
First, start with a fresh yellow candle for the best magical results. But let’s be honest, sometimes you have to work with what you’ve got. Some folks can’t afford even a new candle. So if you have a yellow candle laying around, YES you can use it for magical workings. Even if its been burned before. Gasp! I know some witches will reject this way of thinking, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.
My recommendation is to simply cleanse the candle…run it through a smoking herb bundle, cleanse it with sound, etc. And guess what? If you can’t find a yellow candle anywhere, a white one works just as well!
1. Charge Your Candle With POWER
By charging your candle, you’re imbuing it with extra energy to do its job. Which is to take your intention and manifest it in reality. It’s sort of like charging your phone battery. Your phone only works if it’s charged, right? Same with magical items and tools.
Ask your guides to fill the candle with power in alignment with your intentions. Or simply hold the candle in your hands and visualize your own power going into the candle and filling it up.
2. Dressing Your Yellow Candle
Dress your candle up in a suit and tie. Just kidding! That’s what what we mean when we say “dress” your candle. Dressing a candle means to anoint it in oil and herbs. I recommend rubbing oil on it then LIGHTLY sprinkling your plant matter / spices over it. You don’t want to go too heavy on the herbs as too much can cause a large flame – fire hazard. Carving or inscribing your candles is also effective in aligning their power.
3. Repeat Your Yellow Candle Spell
For something that requires a lot of energy, you might consider burning a yellow candle daily for 3 days in a row. Or 9. Or even 13. Sometimes folks even cast a spell up to a month or moon cycle at a time. The repetition helps build up energy to make the results even bigger.
4. Keeping and Disposing of the Spell Remains
Once you’ve burned your candle, what do you do with it? Throw it away? We don’t recommend that, unless the spell you cast was to get rid of something or someone (which in that case, I would opt for a different color candle like black or red).
But you should keep the wax remnants in a bag near your bed or wherever you feel is appropriate in alignment with your intention. Following the manifestation of your intentions, burying the spell remnants is probably best. Sometimes it’s also beneficial to send it downstream or dispose of it some other natural way (as long as it doesn’t harm the environment).
A Yellow Candle Spell for Blissful Joy
Color magic is the key factor in this candle spell. We’ve studied the yellow candle meaning, now let’s put it to use. This spell’s purpose it to inspire creativity if you’ve been in a lull. To call on the muse and bring artistic inspiration to your mind and doorstep!
Open the witch’s cabinet and prepare to cast.
You’ll need:
- A yellow chime or birthday candle
- A candle holder
- A pin
- Timing: it helps to cast this spell on the Waxing Moon (but isn’t required) or on a Sunday
What to do:
- Close your eyes and focus on the intention. See joy knocking on the door of your mind and soul. Like a big beam of light from the Sun. See the light from the candle connecting to and empowering your solar plexus. SMILE.
- Take your pin and carefully carve the word BLISSFUL JOY into the candle. 3 times. All the while, still focusing on your intention.
- Light the yellow candle and place it in a candle holder.
- Say, “with this yellow candle, I invite in joy and bliss.” Repeat 3x.
- Then say “so be it”, and allow the candle to burn down all the way.
- Keep the remnants in a bag near you for a week and up to a month.