Whether the witch in your life needs a gift for the holidays or a birthday, we have 15 fabulously magical ideas. Don’t get her the typical vanilla candle. Or infinity necklace. Dive deep into the things that your magical friend truly loves. From incense, altar decorations, and witchy jewelry to occult books, crystals, and more. Check out our favorite witchy gifts below and get inspired!
NOTE: Here I have listed witchy gifts specifically with Amazon affiliate links. If you purchase a gift through Amazon, I do receive a small compensation which helps me continue to create content on this website and others for the witchy community. ALSO NOTE, you do NOT have to purchase these items through Amazon if you don’t want to. They are available through other online stores and many local metaphysical and retail stores in your area, as well.
Witchy Gifts for the Hedge Witch
What is a hedge witch and what kind of gifts would they enjoy? A hedge witch is an individual who practices liminal magick, they tow the line between here and there. They ride the edge between the physical and the spiritual worlds. So, naturally, they are often drawn to things that enhance their practice including things like divination tools, things for a meditation space, incense, herbs, dream pillows, grimoires, and books on the occult. This is where you should focus your witchy gift ideas. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Incense for the Hedge Witch
One of my favorite incense companies is Sea Witch Botanicals. Why? Because they make incense made completely from natural sources. You’ll find that most of the incense online and in stores is made of chemicals and unnatural sources and therefore they often smell the same and don’t have the desired effect. A hedge witch might truly appreciate a set of Sea Witch Botanical incense. I have nearly the entire set myself and can’t rave about the aroma and the quality enough! Plus, this company offers seasonal aromas for each sabbat. My favorite aromas are Green Fairy and Hermitage (shown below):
2. Hedge Witch Books
If the hedge witch in your life enjoys a good read, we suggest gifting them a few of our favorite non-fiction witchcraft books. A witch is always learning. Always studying. Always practicing. So here’s a few reads they might be thrilled to receive:
1. Hedgewitch Book of Days: Spells, Rituals, and Recipes for a Magical Year by Mandy Mitchell
2. Ambrosia’s Book of Witch Flight by Jasmyne Ambrosia
A book unlike any book on the witch’s sabbat you’ve ever read. And one of my personal friend’s work. If you’ve had experiences in the Otherworld and weren’t sure what to compare them to, this is the book for you. Or as a great witchy gift. Based on personal gnosis, this is an extraordinary guide for hedge witches, solitary practitioners, and those in a coven alike. Particularly if the witch is into ecstatic journeying.
Witchy Gift Ideas for the Kitchen And Hearth Witch
If you need witchy gift ideas for a kitchen or hearth witch, this is where it gets fun. At least, in my opinion, since I am a kitchen witch at heart. You can pretty much buy anything kitchen related and gift it to a kitchen witch and they’ll be thrilled. But there are a few witchy gifts that are more enchanted than others. Which we will list for you here:
3. Kitchen Witch Wooden Spoons
Wooden spoons are a boon in any kitchen, witch or not. They are something I use on a daily basis and add extra magic to any meal. Today they come in various styles, including sets of 4 with the 4 elements burnt into each. There are also wooden spoons inscribed with moon, cauldron, and other witchy symbols. I recommend purchasing this witchy gift through SpiritNest.com. They have a couple different sets and their prices are affordable.

4. Clear Glass Simmer Pot (Stove and Oven Safe)
Pretty much every kitchen witch I know loves throwing some sh*t into a pot and mixing it up. Then letting it simmer and fill their home with purifying, good-smelling vibes. One way to do this is in a stockpot or dutch oven. But I’ve recently found a witchy gift that I’m hoping to receive this year. It’s a clear glass simmer. It’s stove safe and what’s awesome is that you’d be able to see your herbs and fruits and such simmering through the glass. Bad @ss. Here’s the one I want:
5. Herb and Food Dehydrator as a Kitchen Witchy Gift
Whether you’re a kitchen or hedge or green witch, a food dehydrator might end up being your best friend. This is the perfect witchy gift for any magical friend who enjoys growing or foraging their own herbs and plants for kitchen/magical use. I’ve had my dehydrator for years and still use it every Spring/Summer/Fall. It seems mundane, but I promise you…it’s super useful and magical!
MORE Witchy Gifts: Various Books, Bells, and Candles
I didn’t want to categorize the rest of these witchy gift ideas into one practice or another, as they are truly for any magical individual. Who doesn’t love bells, books, and candles? Here are some of our favorites, including the best quality and best reads.
6. Journals by Peter Pauper Press
Every witch loves a pretty journal. These are helpful when we want to document dreams, spells, spiritual experiences, magical recipes, Tarot and rune studies, and so much more. Sure, we could always use a simple notebook with loose leaf paper or composition books. But pretty journals and diaries make great witchy gifts and make every witch happy. My favorite journals come from a specific manufacturer named Peter Pauper Press. They make journals with some of the most beautiful artwork I’ve ever seen. And many have a magical theme including moon goddesses, fairies, dragons, Celtic knotwork, Persian designs, etc. They even have a Tarot Journal. Here’s one with the Moon Goddess:
7. Leather Tarot Card Cases as Witchy Gifts for the Tarot Lover
If the witch in your life collects Tarot or Oracle cards, they might appreciate a high quality leather Tarot card case. This allows Tarot readers to carry cards around safely and enables us to keep them sacred.
8. Wooden Stand for Grimoires, Journals, Etc.
I once had a dream about a giant grimoire opened and sitting on a beautiful wooden stand. I had to mimic this dream in real life and searched for the perfect stand. So far, I haven’t found the one I dreamed of. But I’ve found a few that work very well. As a witchy gift, these wooden stands work to hold open the person’s grimoire while they’re performing ritual, or hold open their recipe book while cooking up something magical in the kitchen.
9. Swarovski Crystal Evil Eye Jewelry: SPARKLY Witchy Gifts
I’m a girl who loves jewelry. And all things that shine and sparkle. For the girly, luxurious witch in your life, check out this Swarovski crystal evil eye necklace and earrings set. Keep in mind, it’s not just a pretty set of jewelry. The evil eye pendant is known worldwide to ward off the “evil eye”, which means it serves as amulet to protect the wearer from envy, jealousy, ill intentions and the like. YES these are on my witchy wish list. In case anyone is feeling extra generous. Wink wink.
10. Tea Always Makes a Good Witchy Gift
Tea always makes a good witchy gift…unless your witch is a coffee drinker. In which case, give them COFFEE. However, if you believe they enjoy a nice cup of hot tea from time to time, there are quite a few options out there. Opt for high quality black tea, black tea blends, green tea, green tea blends, and herbal blends. My favorite tea brand on Amazon is Harney & Sons. I particularly love their Williamsburg Ginger Cake Blend:
11. Sticker Anthology Books for BOS, Grimoire, Journaling
I love stickers. I’ve always loved stickers. As a witchy gift, consider giving the witch in your life an anthology sticker book. Amazon has some beautiful ones including the Seashore Sticker Anthology, The Botanist’s Sticker Anthology, and the Apothecary Sticker Gallery for Modern Mystics, of which I’ve linked to below. Stickers like these are helpful in decorating grimoires, journals, computers, etc. and amplify the witchy vibes. You don’t have to purchase from Amazon, keep in mind. Barnes and Noble, craft stores, and other stores carry sticker books.
12. Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials BOX Set
Reference books, particularly when it comes to the Wheel of the Year, are loved by many a witch. Especially those who live and work their magic in seasons. Lllewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials Box Set has been a part of my library for a year and I don’t regret buying it. It would make a lovely witchy gift over the holidays. There are eight books, one for each sabbat. And each book goes into detail about the history, lore, traditions and more of each of the eight major sabbats. Super helpful for beginner witches too.
13. Woodwick Candles for the Witchy Home
You will never go wrong giving a witchy gift that includes a candle. Woodwick makes some of the prettiest (and prettiest-sounding) candles on the market today. Their candles are what their name implies – they contain wooden wicks. And when the wicks burn? They crackle and pop a bit, reminding the witch of the comforting sounds of a bonfire. Get the Trilogy candle with 50 hours of burn time:
14. Apothecary Cabinets with Drawers
Most every witch dreams of having their own herbal apothecary in-home. A place to keep and organize all of our roots, herbs, flowers, salts, spices, and curios. An easy way of keeping this dream alive is to gift the witch their own apothecary cabinet. If you can’t afford an entire hutch or cabinet, give them something like this 16 drawer apothecary chest:
15. Practical Magic: Deluxe Edition Book
Alice Hoffman is one of my favorite authors and for good reason. She is the author of the Practical Magic series which inspired the film Practical Magic in the late 90s AND has basically generated its own cult following over the years. I absolutely devoured the entire book series, and if your witch is a reader…they will love this deluxe edition of the first:
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