One of our requirements in life, and part of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, is to feel safe and secure. This means to feel safe and comfortable in our own homes, in our workplaces, and within our own bodies. As witches we know that protection goes far beyond walls, ceilings, and doors. Protection isn’t just a physical concept…it’s spiritual. And, as witches, we also know that we can call on the forces around us to aid in protection. One way in which to facilitate spiritual protection is to make a protection spell jar. Here we teach you how to make a basic jar PLUS how to make jars in the future for banishing, warding, and binding. All part of the spiritual protection realm of magick.
First, Why is Spiritual Protection Important?
Before we go into the protection spell jar tutorials, let’s reiterate why spiritual protection is actually important. Just as we require walls, doors, ceilings, and floors to keep us physically safe, we require spiritual shields and wards to keep us spiritually safe. Witches know that the world around us goes beyond what we can see…there’s a spirit world just beyond the veil of seeing that can cause blessings OR it can cause misfortune. As a witch, you might notice your spiritual protection needs to be amplified. Unfortunately, when we have power in the spiritual realm, this also means that we may attract both good and bad spirits and energy of all kinds.
Being a powerful witch or seer also means that you might attract the attention, whether good or bad, of OTHER witches and seers. Which may lead to those individuals sending bad vibes your way…and sometimes they might even try to spiritually attack you. Sadly, it happens. It’s happened to me. And this is how I’ve learned how to create powerful protection spell jars as well as other protection spells. Remember, there’s more than one way to spiritually protect yourself.
4 Main Magical Methods of Protection
There’s more than one component of a strong magical protection routine. In fact, I like to think there are four:
- Purification (also called Cleansing)
- Warding (this includes terms like sealing and shielding. You’re creating a barrier and/or warning negative energy and spirits away)
- Banishing (to be rid of someone or something. Also called exorcism)
- Binding (to spiritually prevent or “bind” someone/something from harming themselves or others)
All four of these components of spiritual protection can be accomplished with spell jars. Though I typically recommend using other means of purification over using a jar. But warding and binding with a spell jar is particularly effective.

Our POWERFUL Protection Spell Jar Recipe for Warding
The first thing you’ll need to do is carefully select your ingredients and supplies. Part of the energy you put into the collection of these items actually feeds the spell with more power. This means it will manifest even stronger than if you mindlessly put these ingredients together. So, choose carefully, and think about each ingredient as you select it. Choose the correct magical timing for this spell…a Waxing or Full Moon is best if you go by moon timing. Sunrise, noon, or midnight is best by the clock. Tuesday, Wednesday, or Saturday if you go by day of the week.
Protection Spell Jar Ingredients:
- An airtight jar with lid (I typically use a mason jar OR a cleaned/cleansed pickle or sauce jar)
- Salt: enough to fill the jar one-third of the way
- Dried thyme (1 teaspoon)
- Dried Cinnamon (1 teaspoon of powdered OR 1 stick)
- Dried bay leaf (1)
- Nail or pin (1)
- Piece of paper and pen
- Black tealight candle
How to Make the Protection Spell Jar:
- First, gather your ingredients and set the magical mood with music, incense, candlelight, etc.
- Be sure all of your ingredients are cleaned and purified before use.
- Write your intention on the piece of paper: “Evil must flee from me and my house. I (we) are protected from here on out.”
- Fold or roll the paper towards yourself, then place in the jar.
- Pour the salt over the paper and say, “Salt be nimble. Salt be quick. Salt ward off all of the evil and sick.”
- Next, add your thyme and say, “No negative energy, evil spirits, or illness will come my way. Thyme reverse any bad mojo sent my way.”
- Now you’ll add the cinnamon and say, “Spirits may try to pass through the door, but cinnamon acts as a shield of fire spread across the entire floor.”
- Next add the bay leaf and say, “Evil, evil, sent to me strong yet feeble. Bay laurel guard my home with bright auroral.”
- Last, add the pin/nail and state, “may any who seek to cause me or my household harm run sharply into their own mistakes before crossing this barrier.”
- Now seal up the jar, shake it thirteen times, and say, “so be it.”
- Set your black tealight on top of the protection spell jar (in a fire-safe place) and light it. The fire on top heats up the work inside.
- When the candle is done burning, place your protection spell jar by the front door OR bury it outside near the front door.
NOTE: This particular protection spell jar works as a ward. This means it warns bad energy and spirits away from you and your property. There are other methods of protection including banishing and binding, which we will go into below.
Using a Protection Spell Jar to Bind
Sometimes our wards aren’t enough. Sometimes the energy is so strong and so close to us, we have no other choice but to bind a situation or individual from causing us further harm. Protection spell jars can indeed be used as a binding tool. There are different ingredients you can use in your binding spell jar. You will need a jar (of course) with a lid, as well as an ingredient that represents the first layer of binding.
Here are a few items I’ve used as the actual binding within the jar:
- Black cord, string, yarn
- Spiderweb
- Shoelaces
- Sewing needle and thread
- Tape (duct or electrical is best)
- Anything sticky like glue, adhesive
How to Use a Spell Jar to Bind
The best way to perform a binding with a spell jar is to write the person’s name (or situation) on a piece of paper. A photo works well for this too. Then bind the person/photo with your first binding material, be it string, tape, spiderweb, etc. Next, add your other ingredients to the jar which may include things like nails, pins, salt, black salt, herbs with protective properties, shards of glass or mirrors, etc. Then seal the jar, burn a candle on top (I let the wax melt over the lid to further bind the spell inside), and place somewhere until the binding should be released. If the binding should never be released, bury it somewhere appropriate. Always cleanse yourself and your space following a binding ritual.
Using a Spell Jar to Banish
Employing this type of magick to banish or exorcise some form of energy or person is quite effective, as well. You just have to make sure you get rid of the spell jar immediately and far away from where you live, work, play, etc. The set-up is the same as above. Gather your ingredients, write the person or energy’s name on a piece of paper (or a photo works well), place in the jar. For a banishing ritual, I use herbs that have a pungent odor. Things like onion, garlic, rue, cumin, pepper, etc. Any herb that ritually wards or exorcises is a great addition to a banishing spell jar. Then seal it up and either trash it or bury it far away from you.

Defining the Powerful Components of a Protection Spell Jar
You don’t have to follow my steps or even use the ingredients I recommend above. As a witch, or magical practitioner, how you construct a protection spell jar is entirely up to your preferences, your intuition, and what items you have on-hand or can acquire. You don’t have to spend tons of money on the ingredients and tools. Here are the most powerful components of a protection spell jar to choose from when crafting your own:
1. The Vessel
You need something to hold the actual spell. To contain it. We recommend a mason jar, but other vessels you can use include bottles, cans, and canisters. Whatever you choose, it must have a lid. You can re-use and recycle old jars and bottles right from your kitchen. I frequently re-use things like spice bottles, spaghetti sauce jars, pickle jars, wine bottles (with screw caps), and more. Just be sure to clean them out thoroughly, then cleanse spiritually so that you have a blank vessel.
2. The Target
The target is the reason you’re casting your spell. This could be a person, event, spirit, or energy of some kind. Whatever the target is, be sure to be succinct when you write it out on a piece of paper. If the target is a person, think hard on the consequences of the spell…for you and the target and everyone else involved. Writing the situation or person on a piece of paper is effective, as is including a photo, memento, or other personal effect with the targeted energy on it. This is placed in the spell jar first.
3. Amplifiers
Your amplifiers are things like herbs, salt, dirt, sand, shells, crystals, nails, sugar, pins, shards of glass, liquids like wine, water, vinegar, urine, milk, etc. These “amplifiers”, as we call them, increase the effectiveness of the spell. They serve to push the results into manifestation quicker. They are your “helping hands” in a spell jar. You can choose to use any ingredients you’d like as amplifiers, but keep in mind, if you use wet materials or fresh materials of any kind, you run the risk of the contents in the jar spoiling over time. Unless that’s the effect you desire. Otherwise, consider all dry ingredients that will stand the test of time.
4. Seals
A seal does exactly what it says it will – it seals the spell inside of the jar. This obviously includes the lid or top, which should be airtight. But it can also include things like candle wax, ribbons or yarn tied around the jar, painted or marked symbols or runes on the jar itself, etc. Whatever you use to keep the spell contained and working within the jar itself is a seal.
5. Energy
Probably the most important component of all in a protection spell jar is the energy. The energy is what makes the spell manifest in real life. Where does that energy come from? It comes from multiple things – your ingredients (of course) each hold their own energy that lend to the spell, your own personal energy and power pushed into the spell with visualization, chanting, praying, singing, etc. over the jar itself, and any deities or spirits you might call on to help manifest the spell. Whatever energies you use to cast a spell, practice gratitude for those energies in whatever capacity.
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