Two of our greatest needs as human beings is safety and security. Once we find that physically, we think we are all good. Which is mostly true. But, if you’re a spiritual person or magical practitioner, you quickly realize there’s more to the world than the physical. And we need more than just physical protection…we need spiritual protection too. Here we go into the mechanics of the protection spell and teach you how to cast different rituals and craft charms to shield yourself and your home from negative energy and spirits.
Why do we need protection spells?
There are many reasons protection spells are necessary. Sometimes we feel unsafe physically, and we’ve done all of the physical things necessary to protect ourselves. A protection spell can help in the spiritual world to keep negative people, energy, and situations at bay.
Unfortunately, sometimes people wish us ill will and/or we fall prey to the evil eye. And to take it a step further, sometimes magical practitioners actually send us bad juju to disrupt our lives. But no matter the cause of our misfortune, bad luck, or discomfort, we have the power to take our spiritual safety in our own hands. We have the ability to cast potent protection spells to not only shield ourselves and our homes, but to also eradicate any unwanted energy currently present.
The Different Types of Protection Spells
There are different types of protection spells. And different ways to protect ourselves magically. Of which I will break down below:
- Cleansing / Purification – while some may not consider this a type of protection spell, we do. Cleansing or purifying one’s space or self removes any negative energy that has built up or attached and leaves room for positive energy to flow
- Shielding – this type of protection magic is a way to personally ward off negative energy and spirits from affecting or attaching to our bodies/auras
- Warding – warding is a protection spell for one’s home and property. It creates a spiritual shield around the property or space that scares off spirits and negative energy or prevents it from entering the space. Warding can also act as a psychic alarm system and warn you of intruders
- Sealing – some witches consider sealing just another facet of warding. Though I consider it a bit different. Sealing involves laying a powder across a threshold to magically “seal out” negative energy and evil.
- Banishing / Exorcising – a magical ritual that eradicates any unwanted spirits or energies that have invaded one’s home or life. A more forceful “cleansing”, if you will.
- Binding – this type of protection spell magically “binds” a person, energy, or situation from causing harm to oneself or others. Often this requires spell ingredients like cord, yarn, or some other device to sympathetically “bind” the target. Freezer spells in which a name or situation is frozen to prevent from doing harm is another type of binding spell
- Reversals or Return to Sender spells – this is a type of spell that gains debate among witches for the magical “morals”. Reversals, also called return to sender spells, basically put up a magical piece of rubber and bounce back any harmful magic or energy returning it to the original sender. Sort of like a “I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you put out bounces off me and sticks back on you”.
- Protection Charms – charms used for protection are typically worn or carried on the person like a magical amulet. Necklaces, crystals carried in one’s pocket or purse, and embroidered protective symbols are all considered protection charms. Among many others.
Remember, the magical morals of any spell or ritual whether for protection or otherwise are entirely up to you. There are no rules or dogma in witchcraft…only in religion. And if someone is threatening you, your family, or livelihood, sometimes magical means are necessary.

What makes a protection spell powerful?
Witches tend to argue on what makes a spell powerful or not. Some say it’s the timing, others say it’s the ingredients or tools used, while most will tell you it is your intention behind the spell. Here at the Witches’ Cabinet, we say it’s all of these things but, more importantly, it’s the ENERGY behind the spell. This is the energy you’ve put into it, as well as any spiritual energy you call on which could be the energy from the spell ingredients and tools. But also the energy given by a god, guide, ancestor, familiar, etc.
The Importance of Clear Intentions
Always consider your intention before casting a protection spell. Are you looking to be rid of something negative in your life permanently? Make that completely clear before casting. For example, my intention might be “I will quit smoking for the rest of my life.” Instead of just “I will quit smoking”. Because if you just cast to quit smoking, you’re not really determining that you’ll quit forever. Just for a period of time.
Another great example of importance of intention is when folks cast spells for abundance. And they don’t determine an abundance of what? And how much? Then the spell brings them a literal abundance of EVERYTHING in life…which is never a good thing! So be careful what you’re casting for. Even when it comes to protection spells.
Protection Spell for the Witch’s Bedroom: To Ward off Nightmares and Psychic Attack
One of your most vulnerable states is in sleep. Especially if you are a witch. Often witches’ spirits go out “traveling” at night, which leaves our bodies open for psychic and spiritual attack. If you’ve been experiencing nightmares and sleep paralysis (aka hag attack), it’s time to cast a protection spell around your bed and room.
What You’ll Need:
- A piece of iron (can be an iron nail or cast iron skillet/pan)
- A small pouch or sachet
- 3 tablespoons salt
- 1 thorn
- Cup of water
How to Cast:
- Cleanse your room thoroughly by whatever method you prefer. Don’t forget to open the windows while cleansing to allow any negative energy to leave. Declutter and physically clean your room too.
- Generate energy by turning on some pagan music that makes you feel strong. I recommend Heilung or Wardruna. I enjoy dancing and chanting to this music while focusing on my intention.
- Call on your guides and ancestors to eradicate any negative, unwanted spirits that might have invaded your space. Ask them to protect and seal your room from any further intrusion. You can give them an offering of some kind, if you choose. I typically burn incense or a candle for my ancestors during this protection spell.
- Place a cup of water on your nightstand…DO NOT DRINK THIS WATER. This water acts as a deterrent to spirits. They will feed on this water instead of you at night.
- Add your salt and the thorn to the small pouch and hang it on your bedroom door. This acts as a ward to spirits.
- The iron nail or cast iron skillet should be placed under your bed, under where you sleep. This is a ward that will shield your aura and body from psychic attack at night.

Protection Charm for the Car and Long Trips
We are people who are always on the move. Whether you’re traveling to school, work, or loved one’s homes, protection from negative energy is needed. I recommend placing a protective charm in your vehicle. And if you don’t own a vehicle, carrying it on you during travel. This is especially important during long trips.
What You Need:
- A small bag or sachet
- A small amount of wormwood
What to Do:
- Put the wormwood in the bag and hold it between your hands.
- Close your eyes and ask your guardian spirits to imbue the bag and contents with their protective vibes. Visualize their energy pouring into the bag and all around you.
- Place this protective charm in your car, in a glove compartment or console. Or you can place it in a purse, backpack, or bag to carry with you when you travel.
Kitchen Witch Protection Spell
A potent protection spell for the kitchen is a handmade poppet. These are easier to make than you might think. The poppet isn’t just a doll, it becomes a guardian of sorts.
What You’ll Need:
- Fabric of any kind, enough to make a small doll (or large, if you prefer). I’ve actually cut up an old apron to create my kitchen poppets before!
- Herbs with protective energies to fill the poppet
- A gingerbread man cookie cutter
- Pen/marker
- A sewing machine or needle and thread (or if you can’t sew, fabric or super glue works as well. I’ve even seen witches staple or pin their poppets in place as a substitute)
How to Cast the Poppet Protection Spell:
- The first thing you should do is fold your fabric in half so that you have two pieces laid together. Then flip it so that the inside (the dull side of the fabric) is facing outward.
- Draw a man or woman or whatever shape you’d like on the inside of the fabric on one side of the fabric. I use a gingerbread cookie cutter for the shape…it makes the drawing part easy.
- Then cut your man/woman out so that you have 2 equal sides.
- Next, you’re going to sew the poppet together (the 2 equal sides) using your sewing machine or needle and thread…leaving a few inches open so that you can stuff your herbs inside. If you don’t have sewing materials, you can substitute with a bunch of safety pins or even a strong glue. Flip it inside out so that the pretty side of the fabric now faces out and the seams are inside.
- After you’ve filled the poppet with protective herbs, close it up all the way with glue/thread.
- Place the poppet in your kitchen where it will watch over your comings and goings.
What to Do with Protection Spell Remnants
So you’ve cast your protection spell and feel safe and sound afterward. The spell has now run its course for at least three moon cycles. What do you do with the remnants?
First, if it’s a charm that you’ve made or wear often, you can always just cleanse it and refresh the energy. And then use it again. Examples would be an amulet, crystal, or other ward that can be re-used for similar intentions.
Second, if it’s a candle spell or something with degradable materials, my best suggestion is to bury the remnants on your property in the West. The caveat to this is, if the spell was a binding or banishing spell, you’ll take a different mode of action. Binding rituals might be buried off the property, or on your property depending on if you’re keeping an eye on the person or situation etc. Banishing spells, however, should be buried or trashed far away from one’s person or property immediately.