Everything on this planet has COLOR…or the absence of it. Today we’re going to be talking about the power of color magic. What is the orange candle meaning when it comes to candle spells? Orange is a powerful color that is often overlooked in magick. But here we will remedy that. Find out the magical properties of the color orange and how to use it in your candle magick and everyday life for abundant manifestation!
First, What is the Orange Candle Meaning? Its Powerful Properties
Let’s just go ahead and answer the question right away. The orange candle meaning is multi-fold and truly depends on what YOUR intention is. But here’s a few to consider.
1. Orange Candle Meaning: Energy and Vitality
First of all, if you’re feeling down and out of energy and out of luck, ORANGE is the perfect color to lift your spirits. Orange is connected to the Sacral Chakra, which is our creative center in our bodies. It’s linked to our reproductive organs, and therefore orange candles can be used to stimulate the creative force that’s alive within us all. Even when we’re not feeling it.
2. Orange = Fertility and a Fervor for Life!
Along the same line of energy and creativity, orange candle meaning = FERTILITY and a fervor for life! Do I mean that if you use an orange candle you’ll become pregnant? NO. Not necessarily, unless you want that to happen. Fertility doesn’t just represent physical human procreation…it also means a fertile mind and spirit. It means your mind is ripe with ideas and your life is fertile with success!
3. Orange Candles Mean Success in Many Areas of Life
If you’ve felt like your job or your life is falling flat lately, it’s time to feel the drive and motivation you’ve been lacking. The color orange is a powerful motivator and will push you to succeed. In addition, lighting an orange candle and asking for new opportunities will bring you doors to success you didn’t know existed before!
Orange Candle Magical Associations
To amplify your results using an orange candle, add a few other orange items to your magical workings. Those might include:
- Herbs: Nasturtium, Sea buckthorn, Mexican sunflower, lily, begonia, poppy, marigold, calendula
- Foods: Orange slices or peel (dried), carrot, squash, peach, nectarine, apricot, cantaloupe, salmon, sweet potato
- Crystals: Orange calcite, citrine, carnelian, sunstone, goldstone, rutile quartz, bumblebee jasper, aragonite, mahogany obsidian, orange selenite, peach moonstone
- Planet: Sun
- Zodiac Sign: Leo
- Month: July – August
- Holiday: Summer Solstice

The Basics of Candle Magic: How Candle Spells WORK
You’re wondering about the orange candle’s meaning, which probably also makes you wonder how candle magic actually WORKS. Right?
First, let’s address the misnomer that “intention is everything”, that you’ll frequently hear in the witchcraft community. I’m here to tell you, if intention was everything you wouldn’t need any tools, candles, herbs, or the like to make your magick work. YES you can cast a spell with just your mind, emotions, etc. but often the candle itself helps set the spell into motion.
Second, the candle works by way of the elements. It combines all 4 elements in its spell: the flame is obviously fire, the air feeds the flame, the wax melts into water, and the wick is earth. Because these 4 elements are invoked in the candle spell, we are able to use orange candles to manifest success and energy!
Three, it is quite important to let your desire / intention known to the Universe before starting a spell of any kind. And be clear about what you want. Saying “I am manifesting abundance” for instance, might manifest an abundance of EVERYTHING in your life. And you don’t want that. Trust me. So be specific!
Ways to Empower the Orange Candle Meaning to MANIFEST Abundance
We’ve explored the orange candle meaning and its magical associations. But how do we use this knowledge to manifest our intentions? Should we just light the candle and hope it works? You could try that, but here’s a few ways to amplify the results:
1. Charge Your Orange Candle
In addition to burning an orange candle, you can try charging the candle before use. Charging means to imbue an item with energy and power. There are a few ways to do this. One, by rubbing the candle in oils and then sprinkling a small amount of herbs over it. This is called “dressing” a candle. Or two, by carving words, symbols, and numbers into the candle itself using a pin, needle, or knife. Try both methods and see what works best for you!
2. By Casting Your Orange Candle Spell Repetitively
What do I mean by casting your orange candle spell on repeat? You can do it one of two ways. Either burn an orange candle every day for 3, 9, or 13 days. OR burn one large orange candle over a period of days, every day, at the same time. Don’t forget to speak your intention over the candle and let it know what you desire.
3. Carry Your Orange Candle Spell With You
The orange candle meaning means nothing unless you believe in it. The best way to believe in something, like magic, is to commit to it wholeheartedly. So, after you burn your orange candle, and you’ve completed your spell for manifesting abundance, keep the remnants of your orange candle in your pocket, purse, nightstand, etc. Wherever you feel the spell will work its best. And keep it there until it manifests.

A Quick and Easy Orange Candle Spell for Career Opportunity
Color magic is the key factor in this spell. We’ve studied the orange candle meaning, now let’s put it to use. This spell’s purpose it to open new doors in your career. To invoke new opportunities for promotion and growth. And ultimately success!
Open up your witch’s cabinet and get ready!
You’ll need:
- An orange chime candle
- A candle holder
- Olive oil (just a dab will do!)
- Cinnamon (just a pinch)
Cast it:
- Close your eyes and focus on the intention. See yourself gaining new opportunities for success and career growth.
- Rub the olive oil on your hands and then roll the candle between your palms, coating the candle in oil. All the while, still focusing on your intention.
- Sprinkle just a little bit of cinnamon on the oily orange candle.
- Light the candle and place in candle holder.
- Say, “by this orange candle I will, bring myself new career growth and beneficial financial opportunities with this spell.” Repeat 3x.
- Then say “so be it”, and allow the candle to burn down all the way.
- Keep the remnants in a bag near you while at work.

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