Double, bubble, toil and trouble. Get out the stockpot, here comes some witchy Autumnal trouble! One of my favorite forms of magic is creating simmer pots. It’s a simple way to make your home smell aromatic and magical, cleanse the air of negative vibes, and welcome the Autumn Equinox and the season. Open your witch’s cabinet, grab those herbs and spices and let’s make magick! Here’s my favorite Mabon Simmer Pot recipe, how to make it your own, and what to do with the remnants.
First, What is a Simmer Pot?
A simmer pot is exactly what it sounds like – a pot that you set on the stove to simmer. It typically contains water (or some other liquid), herbs, spices, and sometimes slices of fruit. It is essentially the magical equivalent of a simmering potpourri. I think of it as “simmer pot” being the abbreviated term for “simmering potpourri”, but with a witchy twist. Simmer pots are easy to make, easy to clean up, and serve multiple purposes. Not only does it look pretty and make your home smell amazing, it cleanses the air and raises the vibrations of your home. Another great thing about simmer pots – they can basically be made with whatever you feel drawn to use (excluding toxic ingredients).
And What is Mabon?
Before we can go into detail on our Mabon simmer pot, we should explain what Mabon is, for those who don’t know. Mabon is the Welsh Celtic pagan sabbat celebrating the Autumn Equinox. Which is the official first day of Autumn and when the length of the day equals the night. It is a day of balance, cleansing, and preparation for Samhain and then Winter. We honor the Sun, show our gratitude to the earth for the second harvest, and celebrate a prosperous and fertile Summer. Some witches enjoy acknowledging deities attached to the harvest like Demeter, Lugh, and Persephone. As well as the Welsh deities who lend their lore and energy to this Autumn sabbat – Mabon and Modron.
A few ways to celebrate Mabon include cleansing your home and doing some Fall cleaning, building a Mabon altar, making magic in the kitchen with cinnamon and clove, and collecting acorns and oak leaves. Sweep your floors, hang an Autumn wreath on the front door, and invoke your ancestors and deities into your sacred space. Throw a party for your family or coven and cook a beautiful Mabon feast. Candle spells, smoke-cleansing, and simmer pots are also beloved modern Mabon traditions. Now, let’s move onto the Mabon Simmer Pot fun!
What to Include and NOT Include in a Mabon Simmer Pot
Let’s talk about what to include and not include in your Mabon Simmer Pot. First, you’ll need a large pot filled halfway with water. Then I recommend focusing on traditional Mabon ingredients in your Simmer Pot like:

- Apple slices
- Cinnamon (sticks are best but powder works too)
- Clove (whole cloves are best)
- Star anise
- Rosemary
- Sage (culinary is best)
- Sunflower petals
- Juniper
- Pine needles or cones
- Thyme
- Bay leaves
- Calendula
- Cranberries
- Vanilla extract
Whether you use fresh or dried ingredients is a personal preference. I’ve experimented with both and found that it depends on the ingredient. For instance, you’re not going to find fresh cinnamon, so dried is the obvious choice. However, I do find that cinnamon sticks LOOK prettier in a Mabon Simmer Pot than powdered. BUT you can totally use ground cinnamon if that’s all you have! Always use clean water, and consider using a cup of your most recent batch of moon water. Or collected creek/ocean water/storm water. Keep in mind, depending on how the water is gathered and where it’s from, your Mabon simmer pot will be infused with those energies too.
Dried apple slices are wonderful, if that’s what you have, but fresh apples seem to be better overall for aroma and aesthetic. Truly any edible/safe herb that reminds you of the Autumn season is perfect for a Simmer Pot. And it’s even better if you know it’s an aromatic herb (meaning it smells strongly). If it’s an herb that doesn’t smell nice, you might want to avoid it. For instance, cumin is an aromatic spice BUT it doesn’t necessarily smell the best to everyone. I’m a weirdo and enjoy the scent of cumin but the rest of my family says it smells like sweaty feet! Warning: NEVER add a toxic herb or plant to your Simmer Pot! If you’re unsure if an ingredient is toxic, research before use!
How to Make Our Mabon Simmer Pot for Purification & Prosperity
Now, let’s get down to business and learn how to make a potent Mabon Simmer Pot.
Intentions: purification, prosperity, gratitude
Timing: On Mabon/Autumn Equinox OR anytime following
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Stockpot, simmer pot, or dutch oven
- Water to fill the pot halfway: for purification and as a vehicle to manifest your intentions
- Moon water (1 cup): for amplified purification
- Cinnamon sticks (3): prosperity, protection, luck-drawing
- Apple slices: (1-2 red apples, sliced horizontally) how many apples you choose to use is up to how large/wide your stockpot is. If it’s large, I cut up at least 2 apples. If it’s smaller, one will do the trick. You don’t want to overcrowd the surface of the water. Apples should be included as an offering to the ancestors, harvest deities, and for prosperity
- Cloves (whole, 9): for prosperity, protection of the home, and purification
- Star anise (whole, 7): for protection and luck
What to do:
- Gather your ingredients.
- Fill your pot halfway with water and set on the stove on medium heat.
- Add your moon water to the pot.
- Let your water come to a boil, then turn the heat down to low.
- Add the apple slices, cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise to the pot. All the while, focus on fresh, prosperous Autumn vibes filling your kitchen and your home.
- Let the ingredients come to a simmer and adjust heat accordingly so that the pot simmers lightly. Allow to simmer for 1-3 hours. Enjoy the aromas, as well as the Mabon simmer pot’s purifying, prosperity-drawing energies.

Mabon Simmer Pot #2 for Peace and Love
Intentions: stability, peace, and love in the household
Timing: On Mabon/Autumn Equinox OR anytime before/following
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Stockpot, simmer pot, or dutch oven
- Tap water to fill the pot halfway: for purification and as a vehicle to manifest your intentions
- Apple chunks or slices (1 apple): for longevity of the family and relationships
- Lemon slices (1 lemon): for purification and balancing emotions
- Fresh rosemary sprigs (3): for clarity, healing, and protection of the family unit
- Calendula (one tablespoon): to boost mood and bring joy
- Rose petals (one tablespoon): for love
- Cornflower (one tablespoon): for protection
- White gardenia (one): for beauty
What to do:
- Gather your ingredients.
- Fill your pot halfway with water and set on the stove on medium heat.
- Let your water come to a boil, then turn the heat down to low.
- Add the apples, lemons, rosemary, calendula, rose petals, cornflowers, and white gardenia to the pot. All the while, focus on fresh, peaceful Autumn Mabon vibes filling your kitchen and your home.
- Let the ingredients come to a simmer and adjust heat accordingly so that the pot simmers lightly. Allow to simmer for 1-3 hours. Enjoy the aromas, as well as the Mabon simmer pot’s purifying, peaceful energies.

What to Do with the Simmer Pot Remnants
Once your Mabon Simmer Pot is done infusing your home’s air with all those Yummy Positive vibes, take it off the heat and let it cool down. Then what do you do with it? Just throw it out? Sure, you could do that. But here’s a few ideas on how to use those simmer pot remnants to their fullest witchy potential:
- Strain out the herbs and fruits and funnel the liquid into a spray bottle. Then spray the house to really get your intentions spread around your entire home
- Dump the entire Mabon simmer pot, herbs and water and all, on the ground near your front door to bring in prosperity in the Autumn season
- Strain the herbs and fruits and funnel the liquid into a bottle. Then store in the fridge and use in various spells for prosperity, purification, and protection
- Save the remnants in a bottle and sprinkle around a candle spell, add a dash (just a dash!) to the laundry, or sprinkle over your thresholds for protection from negative energy and spirits
- Bury the remnants in your garden to ensure a prosperous Fall harvest until Samhain
- Use the liquid remnants on a rag and clean/cleanse your Mabon altar, front door, windowsills, etc. to purify
- Offer the remaining liquid to Mabon gods and goddesses like Modron, Mabon, Persephone, Demeter, etc.
We also have recipes for SUMMER Solstice Simmer pots!

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