Garlic is one of those things you either love or hate. I’ve never known anyone to “sort of” like garlic. Well, I’m on the garlic side of the fence. I LOVE it. And I use it on a regular basis in my culinary and magical endeavors. Even if you don’t like the taste of garlic, consider using it in your MAGICK. Let’s open our witches’ cabinets and explore garlic magical properties and its many uses. And you just might be convinced that garlic is one of the most powerful ingredients in a witch’s arsenal.
First, What is Garlic?
Garlic, while commonly considered an herb or spice, is actually a vegetable. It’s closest relatives are the onion, leek, and chive. All plants we consider vegetables in modern cooking. Garlic is an amazing, perennial flowering plant that is found worldwide but originated in Asia and parts of the Middle East. It’s been used in cuisine and medicine for thousands of years.
According to Cape Coral Breeze, garlic emerges “as clumping ground cover with flat, green, grass-like leaves growing to about 12 inches tall. Once established they send up shoots called scapes which are edible and are similar to garlic-flavored chives. If left alone, white, pink or purple star-shaped flower clusters will form at the end of the scapes. These flowers are edible as well. Some gardeners will harvest the scapes and flowers to allow the bulbs to develop more fully.”
Garlic’s components are stronger than even the onion, shallot, or leek. Making it the superior bulb plant in the species. And, even more interesting, garlic has multiple sulfur-containing components, which makes me think of the Underworld. And how Hecate, a gatekeeper of the Crossroads of life and death, is linked to garlic. The components that give garlic its distinct, strong flavor are actually the plant’s defense mechanism against predators that might eat it in the wild. Which also makes me think of how garlic has been used as a warding tool for centuries.

Folklore, Vampires, and Superstitions Around Garlic
Garlic is steeped in history and lore dating back thousands of years. Well-preserved garlic was discovered in the famous tomb of Tutankhamun. We know it’s been consumed by people for at least four thousands years – eaten by Roman and Greek soldiers, as well as North African peoples including the Egyptians. It’s been a staple in Chinese medicine for thousands of years and remains so today. In fact, China remains one of the world’s largest growers of garlic.
The Amazing Bulb In Egypt, Rome, and Greece
In Ancient Egypt, garlic wasn’t just considered sacred, it was considered an actual GOD. According to Pliny, when Egyptians were to take an oath of any kind, the gods present in garlic and onions were invoked to hold these individuals to their word. Apparently, garlic is even mentioned in the Bible in Numbers, when the Israelites reflected on eating the pungent plant during their time in Egypt. This is when they had grown tired of eating manna, and they craved something with more flavor.
In Ancient Greece and Rome, garlic was considered protective and also had the ability to boost endurance and strength in battle and in competitive games. It was left at the crossroads as an offering to Hecate and hung from children’s cribs and beds to ward off evil spirits.
Garlic Magic In Medieval Folklore and Superstition
Many of us have seen it used in vampire movies as a warding device. According to CNN, Medieval Europeans believed vampires were born via certain diseases of the blood. Garlic, a natural antimicrobial, was worn and eaten in order to ward off the disease and therefore reducing the risk of turning into the undead. Brides hung garlic in their bed quarters to prevent evil spirits and fae from whisking them away, as brides were particularly at risk of spirit attachment (being in a liminal, pure state before consummating the marriage). It’s also been worn and hung around the house for centuries to deter the evil eye.
Garlic Magical Properties and Correspondences
The Garlic magical properties are varied and versatile. This strong plant is a favorite of witches and folk herbalists for a reason! Here they are:
- Protection
- Purification
- Warding
- Exorcism (Banishment)
- Healing and Health
- Love
- Lust
- Strength
- Courage
- Endurance

Ways to Use Garlic Magical Properties in Your Practice
How you decide to use garlic and its magical properties is entirely up to you. I know I’ve said it once, and you’ll probably hear it again. YOUR personal magical and spiritual practice is yours. No one else’s. But here’s our suggestions:
1. Garlic Garland in the Kitchen
You know those garlic necklaces people wear in vampire movies to prevent from being bitten? Those are garlic garlands or garlic strings and can be hung in your witchy kitchen to ward off illness and evil spirits. And…well…vampires too. This is a charm that’s been used by folk magic practitioners for centuries. And they’re easy to acquire too.
2. Garlic in Red Sauce
One of my favorite ways to use garlic magical properties is in my cooking! Obviously. If you’ve been to my house on a weekend night, you’ve probably smelled the heady aroma of garlic wafting out from my kitchen. That’s because I add it to MANY meals. Garlic in red sauce is one of the most common ways to use this powerful herb. It purifies, wards, and strengthens any dish. I like using fresh garlic bulbs and mincing/smashing them myself. But you can also buy pre-minced garlic for easier preparation.
3. Magical Rub on Your Hands
YES it will make your hands smell pungent! BUT it will also prepare your hands by purifying your energy prior to cooking a sabbat or ritual meal. All you do is peel a garlic bulb, then rub it between your two palms vigorously three or more times. The garlic will cleanse negative energy from the chakras in your palms. This allows divine energy to flow through your hands and into whatever you are creating in the kitchen. This trick also works before divination sessions with cards, crystals, runes, etc.
4. Garlic Powder for Warding
What is warding and why is it necessary? Warding is basically crafting a powerful barrier in the spiritual world around your property and home. If you’d like to learn more about warding, visit our sister site here. NOW, onto the garlic powder. Have a bit of garlic powder handy in the kitchen? Add a tablespoon to your protective powders, salts, red brick dust, etc. then sprinkle around your home. OR spread it across your thresholds to keep evil at bay.
5. As Offering to Hecate
Many herbs are connected to deities, to the old gods and goddesses. And garlic is no exception. In fact, it’s a favorite of the Greek witchcraft goddess – Hecate. If you are a Hecate devotee, grow it in your garden then offer it to her once harvested. Add garlic to meals in which you honor Hecate or other deities. It is a potent ingredient linking this world to the next.
6. Roast Garlic on Homemade Bread
One of the yummiest ways to use magical garlic is to roast it in the oven (whole heads), until it softens and begins melting. Then remove from oven and smear across a slice of fresh homemade bread. It’s even better if you make homemade rosemary bread. The combination of garlic and rosemary makes a powerful dish to purify one’s aura and protect oneself from energetic intrusion.
7. Garlic Magical Properties in a POTENT Fire Cider Concoction
Ever heard of fire cider? It’s an old folk remedy to ward off colds and flu in the Winter months. The concoction typically consists of apple cider vinegar infused with ginger, garlic, peppers, onions, and other fiery herbs and spices. The combination of these purifying, antimicrobial ingredients is believed to prevent one from contracting nasty Winter illnesses. And sometimes it’s helpful in clearing up sinusitis. Garlic magical properties definitely work their wonders when added to this spicy remedy.
8. Rub Garlic on Liminal Thresholds
In old European folklore, garlic warded off demons, vampires, and even werewolves. Folk magic practitioners rubbed garlic all over liminal spaces of the home, i.e. over the thresholds of doors, windowsills, chimneys, and even around keyholes. Any potential entrances to the home were subject to invasion by evil spirits and monsters. You can do the same. Simply take a piece of garlic or even minced cloves and rub the juice over your thresholds. This is especially effective if you feel you are being sent evil magic or are under psychic attack.
The Amazing Medicinal and Health Benefits of Garlic
A wise witch knows that garlic magical properties are intertwined with its medicinal properties. And she uses this knowledge in her daily life and services. Garlic has antibiotic, antimycotic, and antimicrobial properties and has been used for centuries to combat various infections. According to medical research, there has been evidence to suggest that consuming certain amounts of garlic in one’s diet may prevent certain stomach cancers and illnesses of the upper gastrointestinal tract. And another study shows a mild decrease in blood pressure in those with hypertension.
Garlic has antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties, making it a common remedy for many illnesses in various forms of alternative medicine. This amazing plant contains high levels of potassium, zinc, and sulfur. And it boasts moderate levels of calcium, iron, manganese, and magnesium. All of these nutrients and electrolytes are key to survival and physical homeostasis. And according to NCBI, garlic has proven effective in treating multiple diseases in combination with lifestyle changes and other medications including “oxidative stress, inflammation, cancer, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, skin, bone, and other common diseases.”
The best way to garner the medicinal and therapeutic effects of garlic is to add it to a healthy balanced diet. If you plan to go on a regimen of garlic pills, extract, oils, etc. confer with a qualified healthcare provider to ensure it won’t interact with any other medications.

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