One of the most powerful incenses I have ever used in my practice is Dragons Blood incense. Is it made of actual dragons blood? Is it as strong as the fiery breath of a dragon? Believe it or not, Dragons Blood isn’t a fantastic pretend ingredient for fairy tales and epic movies. It’s actually a real thing. An ingredient witches can and should use in their magical practice to create sacred space, purify their homes, and much more. In this post, we explore the origins of this dynamic resin, the dragons blood incense meaning, its magical properties and uses.
What IS Dragons Blood Incense, Exactly?
If Dragons Blood isn’t actually the sanguinous liquid from a Dragon’s veins, what is it? Dragons blood incense is made from the sap of the Calamus plant in modern times. Though in ancient times, there’s some legitimate confusion on what the original source was. Some ancient encyclopedias claimed it was made solely from the blood of elephants or dragons. While others document acquiring it from the toxic Cinnabar plant. Many ancient people used dragons blood including the Chinese, Romans, Greeks, and other Mesopotamian cultures.
How Dragon’s Blood Became an International Sensation
In the fifteenth century, people discovered the Draecaena draco tree on the Canary Islands and began to source Dragons Blood incense there. Sending it up the incense road to be sold to the European market. Here’s the thing, it has been used in various ways for centuries. Not just as an incense, but as a pigment, dye, medicine, and as varnish. The fact is this – Dragons blood is a beautiful red color that could very well have been passed off as the blood of a beast in ancient times. This is probably why it was a key ingredient in ceremonial magic and alchemy in Medieval Times. People have also used it for centuries to sympathetically cure ailments related to blood: injuries, skin diseases, and to stop bleeding.
Check out the picture of the Dracaena draco tree below. The branches form in such a way that it almost reminds you of a dragon’s legs. It is an evergreen tree found in the Canary Islands and Morocco and grows to be about fifty feet in height; however, it takes some years to grow that tall. When the bark or branches are cut, they “bleed” a bright red sap that’s been harvested as Dragons Blood for many years. This specific kind of tree is believed to have been worshiped by indigenous Guanches, as a naturalist named Humboldt saw the people hold a particularly large and 6000 year old tree as their sacred specimen. Sadly, the tree was destroyed in a big storm in the late eighteen hundreds. But I mean, come on! A 6000 year old Dracaena tree that bled red blood? I probably would have worshipped it too.

What is the Dragons Blood Incense Meaning?
So the question still stands, what is the dragons blood incense meaning? What does it mean in modern times in the spiritual community and why is it so potent according to those who use it? Dragon’s blood incense has different meanings depending on the practitioner and the tradition.
First, we have to point out the obvious – Dragons Blood Incense has an inseparable connection to the DRAGON. And, while dragons don’t exist on this plane any longer, they still exist on the astral plane as guardians of sacred spiritual realms, places, and mystics. Recently I went on a shamanic journey down the World Tree into the Underworld. And there I met my guardian…a huge green dragon of whose name I will not utter to another person. He told me that dragons are guardians of many magical places in the Otherworld and that every ancient witch / wise person has their own Dragon guardian. SO if you’re drawn to working with dragon energy, dragons blood incense should be kept in your witches cabinet.
In addition, dragons blood incense means what it has always meant for centuries since ancient times – purification and power. And more specifically, the power in the Universal life force that can be found in our own blood. And in the blood of the earth, present in the sap of the trees that produce the Dragons blood resin. Literally anytime you use dragons blood in your rituals, on your altar, or in any other concoction, it will lend its power to it. It will amplify your results and immediately shift the environment to a more magical space. You can acquire the natural form of dragons blood resin on Amazon:
Dragons Blood Incense Magical Properties
- Name: Dragon’s Blood, Calamus (or Draecana draco)
- Parts Used: herb, gum, flower, bark, root, leaf, fruit, seed
- Form: Resin, Powder, Incense, Oil
- Uses: Magical
- Folk Names: Blood, Blume, Calamus, Draco, Sanguis draconis
- Planet: Mars
- Sign: Sagittarius
- Energy: Masculine
- Chakra: Third eye
- Day of the Week: Tuesday
- Element: Fire
- Deities: Ares, Odin, Thor, Hades, Prometheus, Mars
- Dragons Blood Incense Magical Properties: courage, exorcism, purification, protection, love, money, magical power, healing, fertility, lust, dragon magick
- Dragons Blood Symbolic Meaning: Dragons blood incense symbolically represents the otherworldly creature for which it is named. It is fiery, war-like, POTENT, and also represents war and Underworld deities.

Ways to Use Dragons Blood in Your Practice
Because Dragons blood comes in three common forms (powder, incense, and resin), this does indeed limit us a bit on magical ways to use it. However, because it is such a powerful resin, it doesn’t limit us much. And it is a boon to have in any witch’s inventory. Here are a few of our favorite ways to use it.
1. Burn Dragons Blood Incense
I feel like this is an obvious one, but I have to say it anyway. Burn dragons blood incense sticks, cones, or as a powder over a charcoal (in a firesafe dish, obvi). Honestly, I don’t adhere to certain intentions for my dragons blood. I’ve found that it works wonders in simply AMPLIFYING the effects of whatever ritual I’m performing or any magic working I’m casting. It literally sets the tone, lifting me into an otherworldly state of mind and purifying my space in preparation. Just burn it. Okay?
2. Add It to Magical Powders
An easy way to use dragons blood in powder form is to simply add it to other magical powder concoctions. It will furiously lend its energy to any other ingredients its nearby. I’ve used dragons blood powder often in magical protection powders. Then I sprinkle it around my property or over my thresholds to remove negative energy and keep evil spirits at bay. In this way, it also brings your household a lasting sense of peace.
3. Dragons Blood Incense as an Offering
Another simple way to release dragons blood magick upon the world is to give it as offering to deity and other spirits. We’ve listed the gods associated with this incense above, but truly any deity that has a fiery nature will accept it. Any god or goddess with a war-like quality, domain over the fire element, or associated with the Underworld might be keen to dragons blood incense. Give it a try and see what they think.
4. Dragons Blood Oil
Dragons blood resin in essential oil form is a formidable ingredient for any witch or magical practitioner. In Southern Conjure, it’s used to feed mojo bags that draw money and love. It can be dabbed onto your wrists or power points before ritual or divination to increase your psychic abilities. Or drip a few drops onto your thresholds to repel negative energy and entities. Drop a bit onto your candle workings to amplify the results.
5. To Connect With Your Dragon Guardian
I’ve spoken briefly about connecting with one’s dragon guardian. You can do this easily by traveling to the Otherworld and setting your intention of meeting your dragon spirit. However, I recommend burning dragons blood incense while traveling as an offering to your dragon and also to increase your abilities to project. Symbolically and sympathetically this works wonders.
6. In Ritual Baths
Dragons blood oil can be added to ritual baths for various intentions. Keep in mind, just a few drops is plenty as this is potent stuff. I’ve found my most life-altering ritual baths have been fueled by this ingredient. Add to your bath on a Full Moon, on any sabbat (particularly fire festivals like Beltane), to increase psychic abilities, to break through magical blockages, for uncrossings, to draw love and money and so much more.
7. To Remove Unwanted Spirits in the Home
Sometimes witches attract things they don’t want to. I call these nasty little beings “unwanted spirits”. Most of us know that when this happens we need to do a couple things. First, clean and cleanse our space. Instead of using sage or rosemary, consider using dragons blood incense when you’re experiencing a particularly strong spirit in your home. It has powerful exorcising energies. Following, don’t forget to refresh your wards around your property to keep any others from getting in!
8. Dragons Blood Incense as Mosquito Repellant
This witch lives in a subtropical climate. And along with the beautiful sunny weather we get here, we also get a ton of pesky mosquitoes and other bugs. So, if I’m going to practice my craft outside, it’s likely that I need some sort of bug repellant. I prefer to use natural repellants, if possible, and I’ve discovered that dragons blood incense has this ability. Especially if you set 4 sticks/cones alight at your four corners while working your ritual and sit inside of them. It works quite well to keep the mosquitoes at bay. (NOTE: However, I wouldn’t recommend relying solely on dragons blood incense if you’re going camping or into the deep woods, etc.)
9. Wear the Oil for Self Empowerment
Dragons blood oil carries all the fiery strength and ferocity of the dragon itself. So why not dab a little on your wrists before going out into the world? This is an effective practice before job interviews, large events where psychic protection is necessary, and for general self empowerment. If you’ve just gone or are currently going through something traumatic, dab a little diluted oil on your wrists to lift your spirit and provide strength.
10. For the Sagittarius
Since the fiery zodiac sign Sagittarius is inextricably linked to Dragons Blood incense, why not harness this energy by burning during the Sag astrological season? If you’re not sure, the Sag season is from November 22nd to December 21st annually. This incense will be most potent during this time, and ESPECIALLY if you yourself are a Sagittarius. Or if you have a lot of Sag energy in your natal chart. This practice brings passion, drive, humor, strength, and psychic abilities.

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