In this day and age, clearing our energy and aligning our chakras isn’t just a nice thing to do. It’s a necessity. Our energy fields can become clouded with other people’s energy that we take on throughout the day. The great news is – there are MANY ways to cleanse our auras and remove negative energy residue that might have attached itself to us. One of those ways is by using crystal chakra wands. Let’s open the Witches’ Cabinet and find a beautiful wand made of crystals whose main purpose is to align our chakras.
First, What are the 7 Main Chakras?
Chakras are an ancient concept originating in India. They are energy centers present throughout our bodies. When we can see them, they look like glowing, spiraling vortexes of colorful energy. There are seven main chakras lining the center of our bodies:
- Root Chakra: the root chakra is the first and is present at the base of your spine. It is the energy vortex that connects us to Mother Earth. When we are grounded and centered, our root chakra is in alignment. We feel safe and comfortable. It is typically a dark red to brown color.
- Sacral Chakra: the sacral chakra is the second and is present below the navel and above the pubis. It is the energy vortex in our bodies that fuels our reproductive systems and our creative abilities (both physical and spiritual). When our sacral chakras are aligned, our creative juices flow and our sexuality is free. It is red in color.
- Solar Plexus: the solar plexus is located below your sternum and above your navel. It connects us to the Sun and our life force is centered here. When we feel confident, motivated, and vibrant, our solar plexus is in alignment. It is yellow in color.
- Heart Chakra: the heart chakra is located at the heart. It is green in color. This chakra allows us to give and receive unconditional love. When we have open heart chakras, we are able to feel the love of others and for ourselves. As well as openly give it in a healthy way.
- Throat Chakra: the throat chakra is located at the throat and voicebox. It is blue in color and when aligned allows us to speak our truth. It connects us to language, spoken, written, and physically expressed.
- Third Eye: the third eye is located between your eyebrows and up just a tad. It is the energy center that allows us to “see” into the spiritual realms. It is purple in color and when aligned, offers us glimpses into the future, insights via spiritual messages and signs, and clairvoyance.
- Crown Chakra: the crown chakra is located at the crown of your head. It is white in color and connects us to the Universe, our Higher Selves, our Spirit Guides, and to the Divine (Source).
However, there are more than just seven chakras present in the body. There are chakras in our hands and feet, and chakras throughout our auras…outside of our actual physical bodies. And still, there are more. Our recommendation is to begin learning and working with the seven main chakras and move on from there.

Why Do Chakras Need to be Aligned?
Our physical bodies are affected by our spiritual bodies. And vice versa. We don’t just have a physical body, but an emotional and spiritual body as well. And all must be cared for. Fed, cleansed, and loved. When we don’t care for our bodies (physically and otherwise), our chakras can be thrown off balance, clouded, slowed down, and even blocked. And when this happens, we suffer all sorts of problems with our health and emotional wellbeing. So, it would be wise for us to care for our chakras by regularly cleansing and re-aligning them. Crystal chakra wands give us a simple way to align and attune.
What Are Crystal Chakra Wands?
Crystal chakra wands are as they sound – wands made with crystals that represent each of the seven major chakras in the body. Each chakra has a color, and therefore also have crystals that correspond to them. Both in color and in energetic vibration. Witches, healers, reiki practitioners, crystal healers, and shamans frequently choose to use crystal chakra wands in clearing energetic fields: both their own and for others. These special wands can also be used to cleanse a space of negative energy and invoke the positive.
Here are some of the crystals you might find on a crystal chakra wand:
- Root chakra crystals: red to black stones like garnet, black obsidian, ruby, red jasper, black tourmaline
- Sacral chakra crystals: red, orange, and peach crystals like carnelian, orange calcite, moonstone, and aventurine
- Solar Plexus crystals: yellow and orange crystals like citrine, amber, tiger’s eye, honey calcite and goldstone
- Heart chakra crystals: green stones like emerald, moss agate, bloodstone, jade, and malachite
- Throat Chakra Crystals: blue to teal stones like lapis lazuli, turquoise, sodalite, blue kyanite
- Third Eye Crystals: purple and blue crystals like amethyst, lepidolite, angelite, and labradorite
- Crown Chakra Crystals: white and clear crystals like selenite, clear quartz, and rainbow moonstone
Different Kinds, Sizes, Etc. to Choose From
When you go to purchase your own crystal chakra wands, consider how big or small you’d like for it to be. They come in all different sizes – as small as your pinky fingers and as long as the length of your arm! Also consider what crystals you prefer and if you’d like your wand to be made of metal with crystals attached to it. OR if you’d like a selenite wand (one long piece of selenite) with extra crystals attached to it for each chakra.
You might also find crystal chakra wands crafted of a glass vial, then filled with crystals to align each chakra. Then topped off with a small crystal at the top. I’ve also seen bonded crystal chakra wands, where each of the crystals is bonded to the next. ALL of these styles of wands are effective and beautiful. Don’t forget, it’s also about YOUR energy and how you use the wand!
Where to Buy
There are some sellers out there today who don’t care about where there crystals are sourced from. Which means they don’t care about the quality of their crystal chakra wands. We recommend doing your research before purchasing any crystal from an online dealer. If you have a metaphysical shop in your area, buy local if possible. It supports small businesses and you can ask the owner/employees where they source their crystals. Most of them will give you an honest answer! And if they don’t, move on.
Some of my favorite sellers online can be found on Etsy. Moon Rise Crystals online are also ethical in their sourcing and discuss this openly on their website. Solstice Stones are a wonderful shop who are also open about where they acquire their crystals. If you do your research before purchasing, you’ll find the right seller and the right crystal chakra wand for you.

Best Practice: How to Use Your Crystal Chakra Wand
There are so many ways to use your crystal chakra wand. But there are also specific ways to care for your wand. All of which we will cover below.
1. Cleansing Your Crystal Chakra Wand
Just as our bodies need to be cleansed, our spiritual tools do too. After purchasing your crystal chakra wand and bringing it home, it’s best practice to cleanse it with smoke or sound. The easiest way is to simply run it through incense smoke or smoke from an herb bundle. HOWEVER, if your crystal wand is made of selenite OR has selenite as a base, you don’t have to cleanse it. Selenite is high vibrational and self-cleansing. And, in fact, I use selenite to cleanse stones and jewelry by placing it near or on top of whatever object I want to purify. It’s good practice to cleanse your wand after any intense alignment or healing session, as well.
2. Charging / Activating It
Now that you’ve cleansed your chakra wand, what next? We recommend activating the wand’s energy. This is also called “charging”. To put it simply, you’ll be awakening or tapping into the wand’s energetic vibrations. Accessing its power from its core. There are a few ways to accomplish this. One, by holding it between your hands and visualizing the crystal wand awakening…filling with divine light that emanates outwards and fills your entire body with light. Two, by sleeping with it under your pillow at night. Or three, by allowing it to bathe in a full moon’s light.
3. Chakra Alignment With Crystal Chakra Wands
Your crystal chakra wand is cleansed and charged. Now it’s time to actually USE this potent spiritual tool. Find a quiet place. Sit down and relax. If you enjoy listening to high vibing music, put it on and silence your phone. Hold your crystal wand in your hand. Close your eyes and attune to its energy by simply feeling the energy it’s releasing into your hands. Next, focus on each chakra, one by one, by placing your wand over each chakra. And visualizing your chakra opening, spinning, and being fed positive, bright colorful light by the wand. Work your way all the way up from root to crown chakra, placing your wand over each chakra OR hovering it over each chakra. How you perform this ritual is entirely up to you!
4. Reiki Sessions
If you are Reiki attuned, adding your wand to your practice for personal and/or client use should be simple and powerful. If you only use it for your own personal Reiki sessions, no need to cleanse it constantly. I do recommend cleansing it after each session with clients. Even if it’s selenite. But that’s just my personal preference. If you’re not Reiki attuned, but see a Reiki practitioner, bring your crystal chakra wand and ask the Reiki master to incorporate it into your sessions.
5. Clearing a Space
Lastly, crystal chakra wands are useful when clearing and aligning a space. This might be a room in your house, your altar, your office, or even an entire house. Cleansing a space is crucial to remove negative energy and to allow positive energy and blessings to flow in freely. Here’s how I do it. I start with my crystal chakra wand in my hands and stand at my front door with my wand in the air. I draw a sign for clearing or protection in the air, using my wand. And I make my way from room to room, repeating the sign in each space. All the while, I’m visualizing my wand radiating Divine Universal light to break through any stagnance, negativity, and to send any unwanted spirits running.
How to Store Your Crystal Chakra Wand
It’s important to care for your wand as you would any other piece of jewelry or favorite crystal. We recommend keeping it away from other crystals and objects that might scratch or chip it. Wrap it in a soft cloth, velvet or cotton is great, and place in a drawer or box when not in use. If you plan to use it regularly, keep it on a soft surface and somewhere not in direct sunlight. You also don’t want it to get wet, specifically if there are crystals like selenite that might dissolve with water exposure. Do your research on the crystals that make up your wand so that you know how to properly care and store it. Happy chakra aligning!
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