They add their savoury flavor to a wide variety of culinary dishes and have been doing so since the time of Grecian antiquity. Shrouded in myth, almost every practitioner of magic has used bay laurel in their spell casting. Bay is versatile in its use both in the kitchen and on the altar. And, fun fact, most ivy league schools like Stanford and Oxford grow some version of the Bay leaf tree on campus to represent their prestige. Let’s dive into the bay leaf magical properties and its powerful witchy uses.
What is Bay?
Bay leaves grow from the bay leaf tree and their official taxonomy is Laurel nobilis. The are usually a deep olive green to green/brown and have a palpable veinous system. Its tree is an evergreen tree that is pollinated by insects and dispersed by birds. Twenty to sixty million years ago, southern Europe and northern Africa were covered in laurel forests. These trees thrive in Mediterranean climates and today wild laurel can generally only be found in pockets of Morocco, Macaronesia, the southern Black Sea, and the Mediterranean.
Bay has many names and a long and interesting history. Bay leaves, or laurel, has been cultivated for millennia ornamentally, for classic symbolism, and for it’s aromatics. It’s ornamental use for crowns is actually part of the reason Linnaeus named the plant nobilis. Other names for bay include Daphne, Laurier d’Apollon, Roman Laurel, Noble Laurel, Bay Laurel, and Grecian Laurel. Though this tree thrives in the Mediterranean, it is used worldwide thanks to Mediterranean cuisine being globally shared as well as the spice trade.
You can walk into nearly any modern grocery store and pick up this witchy staple for a bargain price because its savoury sweet leaves are so bountiful throughout the world. And just as they once crowned kings, they can crown magical dishes in your kitchen or magical spells upon your altar!
The Mythology of the Bay Tree
One of the names for bay laurel is Daphne. That’s because in Greek, the world for laurel is Daphne. Another is Laurier d’Apollon. Both, not surprisingly, stem from Greek mythology.
As the story goes, Apollo chased after a beautiful nymph named Daphne. Frightened, she had her father, the river God, change her into a tree to stop Apollo’s pursuit. As Apollo caught Daphne, she was transformed into a bay leaf tree. Apollo had always used headbands of various greenery to keep his hair out of his face but when Daphne, whom he had wanted for a wife, changed into a bay leaf tree, he began using only crowns of laurel.
The patriarchy was strong in those days and Apollo is quoted as saying “since I can’t have you as my wife, I will have you as my tree.” He also decreed that the bay leaves were so lovely that henceforth poets, scholars, and entertainers who excelled in their craft would be crowned with laurel wreaths. Learn about the mythology of the cinnamon tree here.

Bay Leaf Magical Properties and Associations
Just as it is diverse in cuisine, the bay leaf is quite diverse in magic. Over many years of observation, I have seen bay leaves used by my fellow witches for making affirmations to burn in candle magic or to soak into jar spells most often. However, bay leaves can be used for psychic ability, clarity, to ward off people and entities, and for triumph and victory just to name a few.
So, let’s get to the correspondences shall we:
- Name: Laurel nobilis
- Parts Used: Leaves, branches, berries and bark
- Uses: Magical and medicinal
- Folk Names: Baie, Bay Laurel, Bay Tree, Daphne, Grecian Laurel, Laurel, Laurier d’Apollon, Laurier Sauce, Lorbeer, Noble Laurel, Roman Laurel, Sweet Bay, Lauracreae, Sweet Bag
- Planet: Sun
- Energy: Masculine
- Chakra: Third Eye and Solar Plexus
- Element: Fire
- Deities: Apollo, Aesculapius, Ceres, Faunus, Eros, Nymphs (Daphne), Gaia, Helios, Mars, Ares, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael
Bay Leaf Magical Properties: Protection, warding off evil and driving enemies away, psychic powers, induce visions, longevity in love, to return a strayed lover, clarity, healing, strength, purification, success, wisdom
Symbolic Meaning: To be crowned with bay laurel is to be noble, triumphant, and/or victorious in some way or another. We see the crown of laurel on awards, in prestigious universities, and even have some of our modern scholarly achievements named for it. In fact, in medieval times, successful students were crowned with ‘bacca laurea’ (laurel berries) and is one of the origins of the modern Baccalaureate degree. Also, if a leaf is split between lovers, the relationship is said to be safe so long as both halves of the leaves were kept safe.
Safety Concerns: The whole and intact bay leaf cannot be ingested. The reason for this is that the digestive system cannot break down the leaf as it passes through and can become lodged or cause perforation. This is why leaves are used in cooking and then removed prior to serving the dish.
Ways to Use Bay Leaf Magical Properties in Witchcraft
We’ve briefly touched on bay leaf’s magical properties but how exactly can we work them into our magic?
1. Bridal Bouquets & Crowns
When placed in a bridal bouquet or bridal headpiece/hairstyle it is said to ensure a long and happy marriage. If you’re getting married or are a bridal hair stylist, this should be a must in your bridal design!
2. Burning, Chewing, and Tea Drinking to Induce Visions
Inhaling the smoke from burning bay leaves can induce psychic visions. Chewing or making a tea brew to drink with bay leaves can also induce visions or enhance clairvoyance. However, bay leaves have a strong a potent taste so be ready if this is the road you travel.
3. Put Under Your Pillow for Prophetic Dreams
Placing bay leaves beneath your pillow is thought to not only induce visions in dream space but also to have dreams of prophesy. Whether a strong dreamer or not, bay leaves beneath your pillow will enhance what you see in dream space.
4. Protection from Thunder and Lightning
As far back as the ancient Romans, bay leaves have been used as protection from thunder and lightning due to their resistance to fire. Place bay leaves in your windowsill or grow bay on your property to protect your home’s occupants from lightening on stormy nights. This is especially useful in children’s rooms when they are scared of a storm. Always be sure to teach them the dangers of ingestion before placing in their window.
4. Protection from Entities
Hanging bay leaves in your home is a good way to ward off entities that wish to do harm, particularly poltergeists. Bay laurel is also known to be used during exorcisms. It’s never a bad idea to have some bay leaves on hand!
5. To Make Wise Decisions
If you feel your judgement is clouded, combine bay laurel with Solomon’s Seal to create an incense to burn. This will help clear the mind and allow you to make wise decisions.
6. Protection from People
Construct an amulet or a talisman with bay leaves inside to protect yourself from those that wish to do you harm. It is said that bay leaves are one of the best herbs to use in protective charms.
7. To Drive and Enemy from your Home
Cut a branch of bay leaves 3 feet long and place it at the front of an enemy’s house with the branch pointing towards the street. Spin it three times end over end calling out your enemy’s name and commanding them to leave. Once completed, take the branch to the nearest stream of water, drive the stick into the water facing downstream and leave it there. All must be completed before sunrise and the speed of the stream is how fast your enemy will leave.
8. To Cleanse Your Space
Place moon charged or otherwise holy water onto a sprig of bay to sprinkle across a space for cleansing. This may be the origination of the Catholic ceremony of sprinkling holy water over the congregation for cleansing. And it’s definitely one of the most powerful ways to use bay leaf magical properties.
9. For Victory and Success
Carry 3 bay leaves with the names of Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael (Archangels) wrapped in white cloth to ensure victory in sport. Bay leaves can also be brewed into a decoction and mixed with Crown of Success oil/bath salts and used to bath in or to be poured over your head while affirming victory.
10. To Bring Back a Strayed Lover
Burning bay leaves in modern times has often been associated with returning a strayed lover to you. Do this with a great deal of caution as you might be calling back a toxic lover.
11. For Luck in Games of Chance
According to Z. Budapest, taking 3 bay leaves and writing the names of the triple goddess (Diana, Isis, Hecate) on a piece of parchment is said to bring good luck. Once you have the leaves and the names, place them in a red flannel bag in your pocket and say, “Isis of the Thousand Breasts, make my chance the best one yet.”
12. Bay Leaves As Yule Décor
During Yule, bay leaves can be used to decorate the altar, hearth, or home. I’m not sure what the direct association to Yule is but one can only assume it was used for cleansing and protection and to speed the birth during the dawn of the sun. Use along with calendula to amplify the effects.

Health Benefits and Other Uses of Bay Leaf: Digestion, Menopause, Antibacterial, Natural Pesticide, and Anti-inflammatory
While bay laurel is a wonderful magical ingredient, it also has many medicinal uses as well. It is associated with the Greek God of medicine, Aesculapius, for a reason. As always, be sure to check with your medical doctor and a certified herbalist prior to use to ensure there are no contraindications to you personally.
Digestion: Traditionally used to relive upset stomach, indigestion, and other stomach related ailments. It can also be used as an emetic in larger quantities.
Menopause and Mood Swings: In ancient Greece and Rome, it was thought bathing in bay leaves and berries helped alleviate the symptoms of menopause. In modern times, and several millennia later, some herbalists still praise the potent effect of bay leaves on alleviating symptoms of menopause. This is in part because bay leaves contain linalool which helps to regulate stress hormones. This becomes most effective when used in aromatherapy.
Pregnancy and Birth: It is thought that bay leaves and bay leaf tea when given to a pregnant woman help to speed labor and delivery. So much so that it is ill advised for women who are not close to delivery to be near the herb for fear of early delivery.
Natural Pesticide: Burning Bay leaves can be used as natural pesticide. The fumes emitted from the leaves cause damage to insects which results in death.
For Hair: Bay leaves can be used as a poultice, hair mask, or wash for those who have issues with dandruff or wish to strengthen their hair follicles.
Anti-Inflammatory: Used as a topical ointment, bay laurel can quickly reduce inflammation and pain. This is especially helpful to those with joint injuries, stiffness, and those with arthritis.
Cardiovascular: Bay laurel contains vital nutrients like rutin that are important for heart health.
Insulin and Pancreatic Health: There is research that suggests that bay laurel is associated with improved insulin receptor function and can help to regulate blood sugar.
- Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic: A Materia Magica of African-American Conjure and Traditional Formulary Giving the Spiritual Uses of Natural Herbs, Roots, Minerals and Zoological Curios by Catherin Yronwode
- Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
- Did You Know? Bay Laurel, Laurus nobilis by The Herb Society of America
- Laurus Nobilis Stanford University
- Laurus nobilis, the Noble Laurel by Barney Pau
- Laurus nobilis, L. by Oxford University
- Bay Leaf Meaning, Healing, and Magical Uses by Nicole Farmer
Meet Resident Writer: Allorah Rayne

Allorah Rayne is a practitioner of witchcraft and has been part of the online spiritual community since 2012. She is a Virgo sun, Pisces moon, and Leo rising. Her introduction to tarot was at the age of nine and she pursued more intensive learning at fifteen. Allorah is the founder of The Wayfaring Witch © where she offers soul origin profiles, tarot and oracle card readings, and individualized mentorships in the ways of the witch. She is also the co-founder alongside Kitty of Burning Hallows Productions which produces The Otherworldly Oracle Official Podcast and Mimir’s Well podcast. You can contact Allorah at the following social media sites Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, on The Wayfaring Witch © website via live chat, or by e-mail at
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