Have you ever heard of moon water? Well, news flash. There’s different ways to collect moon water, on different moon phases, and during different seasons and months. Each moon phase, night, season, etc. etc. adds its own special energies to the water. Whether it’s a New, Waxing, Full or Waning Moon, each phase is appropriate to make moon water. One of my favorite kinds is extra special, because you can only collect it “once in a Blue Moon”. Here you’ll learn about the Blue Moon’s energy, how to make Blue Moon water, it’s powerful uses and properties. And how to properly store it in your witch’s cabinet (or refrigerator).
Why is the Blue Moon So Powerful?
You may have heard the statement, “once in a blue moon” before when someone is referring to something that only happens occasionally. Well, the phrase is technically correct. A Blue Moon doesn’t truly happen often, so when it does…it’s powerful! Is the Blue Moon actually blue in color? No, it’s not. A Blue Moon is defined by the Old Farmer’s Almanac as being the second Full Moon to occur in a calendrical month OR an extra Full Moon in a season. Truly, Blue Moons only happen once every year or two. Our next Blue Moon, which will be calendrical, will occur on August 31st, 2023. Following this Blue Moon, there will be another in 2024 but it will be seasonal instead.
The Full Moon…if it drank an energy drink!
We all know how potent and life-changing Full Moons can be (both positively and negatively), so take into consideration when an extra Full Moon makes its presence felt in a single month’s time how much it might shake up people’s lives. I know I am fully affected by Full Moons, as is my family and the people around me. I notice how people drive more wrecklessly on the road during Full Moons, seem to be more emotional, and I even notice when things come into alignment for me. The Full Moon brings things front and center and literally “shines a light” on things in our lives that need to be addressed – both good and bad.
So, when a Blue Moon rises, you’ll notice it’s energy is twice as strong as the Full Moon preceding it. If you have a moon or astrology app, it’s also a great idea to take notice of what sign the Blue Moon will be in at that time. This will also influence the energy and its results. For example, a Blue Moon in Scorpio will be particularly emotional and life-changing for lots of folks while a Blue Moon in Capricorn might be less emotional and more heavily focused on change in one’s career, etc. Also take note of how YOU feel on a Full Moon in general. Are you energized or run down? Emotional or level-headed? Feel like taking on the world or prefer to hide and hibernate? I recommend looking up what moon phase occurred on your birthday, as this will often give you insight into how a Full Moon affects you and YOUR magick.

What is Blue Moon Water?
Blue Moon Water isn’t water that’s come from the moon, exactly. LOL. It’s water that has been left outside and has soaked up the Full Blue Moon’s rays and energy. Think of the water as a sort of magical sponge (which is kind of ironic since the sponge itself soaks up water). But anyway, the water is kissed by the moon’s rays and the rays themselves infuse the water with their energy. Technically, any water that’s outside that has been kissed by the Blue Moon is blue moon water. However, most witches prefer to make this powerful concoction and use it in their spells and rituals. Read on to learn more.
Blue Moon Water’s Magical Properties
If you’ve made Full Moon water, you’ll notice many of the magical properties will be the same for Blue Moon water with some differences. Your moonwater’s typical effects will be amplified when made under the Blue Moon (for reasons we’ve already discussed above). The reason
Here’s blue moon water’s magical properties:
- Purification
- Initiation
- Protection
- Healing
- Love
- Success
- Prosperity
- Intuition and psychic abilities
- It also aids in divination and connection with lunar deities, ancestors, and spirits of many kinds

How to Make Blue Moon Water
Making moonwater OF ANY KIND is always something that makes me feel giddy. I don’t know why. The process is fun and you can really get creative with it. Beginners will often leave a bowl or jar of water out for the moonlight to touch and find it powerful on its own. BUT I thoroughly enjoy adding others ingredients and items to the water that align with the Full Moon and increase the effects of the Blue Moon water. Consider the vessel you’ll be using to hold your blue moon water, as well as the place you’ll be setting it. Record all of your ingredients and process in your grimoire!
Here we provide you with our own recipe, but remember, you can create your own and do not have to use the same ingredients we do. You can also make up your own incantation or change ours as you see fit.
Ingredients for the Witches Cabinet’s Beguiling Blue Moon Water
Before we start, this specific blue moon water recipe was crafted with the intention to increase psychic abilities and intuition. The Blue Moon is the perfect time to make water for this purpose.
- Vessel: jar with lid, bowl, vase, or bottle
- Water: the main substance that will soak up the moon’s rays, connected to the Moon and lunar deities
- Cornflower: also known as Centaurea cyanus, cornflower is known to awaken the psychic senses and is linked to the third eye. It brings Universal wisdom (after all, it is named for the mythical stargazing creature, the Centaur). I thought the blue color would be perfect to represent the “Blue” Moon!
- Butterfly Pea: also a blue flower that will turn your water a pretty blue color. Butterfly pea is known for its transformative and road-opening powers in many magical traditions. When lemon juice is added to butterfly pea teas/infusions, it turns the water purple, which is the color of magick and psychic power
- Lemon slice or a teaspoon of lemon juice: linked to the Moon and is a powerful cleanser. The lemon is a must if you want to turn your Blue Moon water from blue to purple and achieve an actual and symbolic transformation.
AND How to Make Our Blue Moon Water
- On the Eve of the Blue Moon, gather your vessel and herbs.
- Cleanse your vessel by whatever method you prefer (smoke, water, sound, etc.)
- Add your cornflower petals to the vessel, then add your butterfly pea flowers.
- Pour your water over top the herbs and into the vessel and say, “DIANA, LUNA, LUCINA, LUMEN, LUMEN, LUMEN.” This is a quote pulled from Valerie Worth’s book the Crone’s Book of Magical Words. An incantation I’ve used many times in lunar ritual and over moon water.
- Next, take your water outside after sunset and set it somewhere the moonlight will touch it. If it’s cloudy, it’s okay. Place it somewhere you think is best. If it’s storming, place it in a windowsill, the moon’s energy is still there and will infuse the water.
- Collect your blue moon water from its place outside before the sunlight hits it in the morning. At this point, you’ll have a very blue-tinted water that’s been kissed by the Blue Moon.
- Open the vessel and strain out the herbs with a sieve or muslin, etc.
- Then add a slice of lemon or a teaspoon or so of lemon juice to it. Watch as the water changes from blue to purple. Chant again, “DIANA, LUNA, LUCINA, LUMEN, LUMEN, LUMEN.”
- Then pour your transformative psychic blue moon water into a bath and feel all the energy of the moon and universe increasing your psychic powers and abilities as a witch. OR you may choose to heat the water to boiling point (which cleanses it of impurities) and drink it instead of bathing in it.

Optional Ingredients for YOUR Moon Water
Aside from our recipe above, you can really take creative liberty with your own blue moon water recipe and add all sorts of magical objects. Just be aware of what you’re adding and how you plan to use it after, whether the herbs, stones, and other items are safe to consume/bathe in, etc.
- Herbs: lavender, rose petals and buds, rosemary, hibiscus, cornflowers, jasmine, chamomile, calendula, sunflowers, mint, etc.
- Stones (water-safe ONLY): clear quartz, citrine, amethyst, black obsidian, carnelian, rose quartz, rutilated quartz, smoky quartz
- Salt: (just a teaspoon is enough) Himalayan pink, sea salt, kosher, black salt, etc.
- Fruit: lemon, orange, blueberries, blackberries, apple, lime, watermelon, cucumber, etc. (typically added after the moon water is brought inside at the end of the process and refrigerated or used promptly)
Many Ways to Use Blue Moon Water
There are so many ways you can use blue moon water in your practice. Consider trying the following:
- Add a cup to the laundry to cleanse and empower your clothing or bed linens (NOTE: if you choose to do this, omit the cornflower and butterfly pea from your recipe or you’ll end up with blue laundry! Just plain, transparent moon water is best)
- On that note, DYING your paper for your grimoire, altar cloths, cloaks, etc.: our blue moon water (minus the lemon) can be used for this exact purpose!
- Blue moon water can be used to cleanse your altar, tools, and basically anything you want to remove negative energy and infuse with lunar energy
- Wash your hands in blue moon water before casting spells to increase the energy
- Wash your hair with it and pay special attention to the top of your head to activate your crown chakra
- Offer it to lunar deities like Selene, Thoth, Diana and Artemis
- Offer it to your ancestors
- Pour it over a candle or multiple candles to extinguish a spell
- Add your moon water and floating candles to a bowl and cast a powerful water candle spell
- Water your plants with it (as long as there’s no questionable materials in it like salt…salt can damage plants)
Can you drink moon water?
These are common questions asked of moon water. Let’s answer the first question. Can you drink moon water or blue moon water? First, this depends on what ingredients you used. If you added herbs, stones, and other items to the water, ensure these items are edible or that it’s safe to consume water infused with these items. For example, let’s say I add a sprig of rosemary and a pinch of lavender to my moon water. Then I remove the moon water promptly in the morning and strain out the herbs. If you’ve used herbs or stones that are potentially toxic, obviously you shouldn’t drink the moon water!
Yes, this moon water should be safe to drink. Keep in mind, some folks say water sitting out over night could harbor bacteria. I’ve never had a problem with this, as long as the water is in a sealed container and was clean water to begin with. Consider drinking it promptly OR putting it in the fridge to preserve for a few days. You can also heat it over the stove and bring it to boiling, if you’re truly water about impurities.
How to store your moon water
Next, how do you store moon water properly? The answer depends on what you have in it, and what you plan on doing with it. If you plan on drinking it or putting it in your bath water, I recommend refrigerating it for up to 3 days. But if you plan to use your moon water on your altar for cleansing or blessing purposes, I’ve kept it for up to a week. If the water doesn’t have ANY herb/plant matter or other material in it, the water will keep for longer on your altar if you don’t plan to consume it.

Greetings! Very helpful advice in this particular article! It is the little changes that will make the largest changes. Many thanks for sharing!